簡介 - 我們關心竉物的整體健康。 我們的產品和服務結合保健、營養學、開心學習等元素為狗狗帶來健康生活。 我們的目標是為竉物日常生活提供一站式資源,以支缓主人給予竉物完善照顧,從而減輕主人在照顧上遇到的壓力。 令主人與竉物得到更有質素和愉快生活。 為配未來多元化發展,我哋將以竉物元素設計一系列日常用品。 寵物產品愛好者可選擇喜愛的動物圖案作日常用品或送禮用途。

Introduction - We care about the holistic health for pet. Our products and services are integrated with healthcare, nutrition and learn to fun for doggies. A resource for everyday life is our objective to support the pet owner as well as to free of tension to human. Benefits a good quality of life for pets and humans. To cope with our future development, we will design a series of daily necessities with pets element. Pets product lover can choose their favourite animal prints for everyday use or as a gifts.